🎉NTNU Selects BriefBuilder

We are happy to announce that the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has selected BriefBuilder to support its briefing and architectural programming activities for the redevelopment of its campus!

Over the next few years, all of NTNU’s academic environments in Trondheim will be gathered from scattered locations into one unified campus around Gløshaugen. In this process, effective briefing is crucial to ensure the new and renovated buildings will meet the needs of their users—both now and in the future.

We are excited to support NTNU in this endeavor and to help them create an amazing, productive, and inspiring campus!

Some highlights from NTNU’s assessment report about BriefBuilder:

A simple and unified approach to programming

The provider offers an exceptionally good description of functionality, especially for gathering and systematizing functional requirements.

Intuitive and easy customization of various reports

Many thanks to the NTNU campus team for their trust in BriefBuilder!

More info about the project can be found here.